Consultation cosmetic treatment inquiry

Skin Beauty
Getting Informed
Anti-age Rejuvenation
PPDO Line Carving Lift
Injective Anti-age
Autologous Fat Grafting Anti-a
Integrated Facial Rejuvenation
Facial Grafting Anti-aging
Water Needle
V-line Baby Face
Apple Muscle
Eye Plasty
Eye Beauty
Eye Anti-age
Eye Renovation
Nasal Beauty
Specialty Rhinoplasty
Nasal Renovation
Breast Plasty
Breast Augmentation
Breast Correting
Breast Renovation
Face Plasty
Face Contouring
Face Filling
Body Contouring
Leg Body Contouring
Non-invasive Beauty
Injective Contouring
Injected Filling
Injective Wrinkle Removal
Injecting Material
Skin Beauty
Skin Lift
Color Spot removal
Anti-acne Treatment
Bromhidrosis Removal
Skin Rejuvenation
Medical Tattoo
Revision Surgery
Prosthesis Removal
Revision Breast Plasty
Revision Eye Plasty
Revision Rhinoplasty
Scar Removal
Amazingel Removal
Seven Layers eye anti-aging

Male Breast Implants

Pectoral implants are made of solid silicone. Much firmer than breast implants — which are either saline implants or silicone implants — these body implants come in many shapes and sizes and are designed to feel like natural chest muscle. 
Pectoral implant surgery takes approximately two hours, and can be performed using a local anesthetic with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Your surgeon typically makes an incision through your armpit, areola or lower breast to create a pocket under your major pectoral muscle, or just under the thin, connective tissue that covers this muscle. The implant is inserted into this pocket, and secured in place with self-dissolving stitches. Your plastic surgery specialist will then close the incision and cover the wound.

Male Breast Implants

Men whose chests don't seem to respond to exercise, no matter how many presses,dips or push-ups they do, may be candidates for male breast implants. Beyond satisfying the male urge to achieve their "puffed-up" potential,pectoral implants also can be used to build the chests of men with Poland's syndrome, a disorder in which sufferers are literally lacking a chest muscle on one side of the body.

Are Pectoral Implants Right for Me?

Your surgeon will also do a complete physical exam, and may take some pre-operative photos of your chest. The main focus of this exam will be evaluating the shape and size of your chest wall. Your surgeon will recommend the appropriate surgical technique and go into detail about the surgery, its risks and benefits. You will also receive extensive pre- and postoperative instructions, including how important it is to quit smoking before your surgery. Consider viewing before-and-after photos of a potential surgeon's previous pectoral implant surgery patients to better gauge expectations.

Recovering from Pec Implant Surgery

In most cases, you may return to work within five to seven days following surgery if you have a desk or sedentary job. For other, more strenuous jobs, you may have to take more time. Normal activities may be resumed in approximately six weeks.

Risks of Pectoral Implantation
There are risks and complications involved with most surgical procedures, pectoral implantation being no exception. 
Complications of pectoral implant surgery may include:

Implant displacement or shifting 
Hematoma (a break in blood vessel, causing localized blood-filled area or blood clot) 
Seroma (a collection of fluid under the skin) 
Numbness of the inner, upper arm Unfavorable scarring