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Anti-age Rejuvenation
PPDO Line Carving Lift
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Autologous Fat Grafting Anti-a
Integrated Facial Rejuvenation
Facial Grafting Anti-aging
Water Needle
V-line Baby Face
Apple Muscle
Eye Plasty
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Injecting Material
Skin Beauty
Skin Lift
Color Spot removal
Anti-acne Treatment
Bromhidrosis Removal
Skin Rejuvenation
Medical Tattoo
Revision Surgery
Prosthesis Removal
Revision Breast Plasty
Revision Eye Plasty
Revision Rhinoplasty
Scar Removal
Amazingel Removal
Seven Layers eye anti-aging


Liposuction, also known as Liposculpture, is the one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery in the world. According statistic, more than 400,000 and 1200,000 men and women annually undergo this plastic surgery procedure in America and China. A cosmetic surgery that contours and sculpts your body into a slimmer profile, liposuction removes unwanted and excess fat. By reducing total body fat, it can help to lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.liposuction

Liposuction is a procedure that removes troublesome pockets of fat from localized areas of the body.It is commonly used to recontour areas such as the thighs, hips, buttocks, knees, abdomen and back but may also be used for the chest area, upper arms, calves and ankles,chin and neck. More Liposuction Facts…

Liposuction involves removal of fat cells through a small steel tube (cannula) by some means of suction. Once the fat cells are removed the tissues close over in that site, generally leading to a permanent result.

The procedure we perform varies depending on a number of factors including your goals,and what is possible with the technique. In addition it may be used in conjunction with other surgery to optimize your results.

There have been many advances in this technique and you can discuss with our team what will work best for you. Contact Prof. Song if you are interested in having liposuction in Shanghai. View before and after liposuction photos.
liposuction               liposuction 
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of fat deposits by suction and the subsequent modeling of the body. Each area of the body is treated independently.

• Planning of youy Liposuction • What does Liposuction surgery do?
• Preoperactive period • Liposuction surgery: The results
• posttoperative period • Liposuction consultation
• Getting back to normal • Candidate for liposuction
• All surgery carries uncertatainty and risks • Liposuction procedures
• Drugs that increase bleeding • Liposculpture
• Your new look • Type of anaesthesia

Take a look at the before and after
photos that some of our patients

liposuction surgery







Learn more about rhinoplasty






What Does Liposuction Surgery Do?

• It removes the localized deposits of fat that are resistant to diets and physical exercise. If you try to keep fit and you eat healthy food and still you can't get rid of the fat of certain areas of your body, especially in the abdomen, hips, knees, ankles, arms and face, then liposuction may be the answer you are looking for.
It models your body. 
If programmed correctly, the fat removed may be used to add volume to your breast or buttocks.




Liposuction Surgery: The Results
Liposuction usually has very good results, both for men and for women of any age, regardless of the weight of the patient. After a typical liposuction performed in the abdomen or waist, you may lose between 2.5 to 5 kg, according to the area treated. 

Your body will have more harmonious lines, which will probably make you feel more satisfied when you look at yourself and will make it easier to choose new clothes. The scars, which are very small, will become unnoticeable in no time.

Liposuction Consultation 
Before any decision is made, it highly recommended to arrange for a personal consultation with an experienced, licensed plastic surgeon. A state of good health is a natural prerequisite. Please note that the total amount of fat removed at any time should not be more than 2.5 L -- to avoid any complications of the general state of health. 
The optimal age for liposuction is 18-45 years because contractility and elasticity of the skin are sufficiently vital for the surgery to be successful. However, with older age patients, liposuction may be done with very good results in terms of reducing the fatty tissue volume; but the risk of small subcutaneous uneven patches increases. 


Candidate for Liposuction 
Are you a good candidate for Liposuction?
The best candidates for liposuction must be in good health, near his or her normal body weight, a fairly elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. You should be psychologically stable and realistic in your expectations. Your age is not a major consideration; however, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin.
Liposuction is also used for our patients undergoing other procedures such as breast reduction or tummy tuck, and is especially useful in the treatment of male breast development (gynaecomastia).

It is important you have realistic expectations about what liposuction can achieve, it is a procedure for subtly reshaping or contouring the body. Liposuction does not replace weight loss.

You are probably NOT a good candidate for liposuction surgery if:
Liposuction carries greater risk for individuals with medical problems such as diabetes, significant heart or lung disease, poor blood circulation, or those who have recently had surgery near the area to be contoured. You are probably not a good candidate for liposuction surgery if:

You are overweight or obese and trying to lose weight.
Liposuction is a procedure for shaping the body and is not recommended for weight loss.
You have a disease or are on medication that affects wound healing.

These include current infection or past medical history of bleeding, emboli, thrombophlebitis, edema, or if you are taking medication(s) that may affect your wound healing or blood clotting (such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, warfarin, heparin, or other anticoagulants) or are taking medication that may interact with the drugs used during liposuction.

Your skin elasticity is not adequate.

Your doctor will evaluate the skin at the site where you are considering liposuction to determine if skin is elastic enough to shrink after liposuction. If it is not, it will be baggy after liposuction.

Cost is an issue.

Most medical insurance will not pay for cosmetic liposuction. The cost for liposuction may be significant.

Liposuction Procedures 
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery to reshape areas of the body by removing unwanted fat deposits that are resistant to healthy diet and exercise. Many area of the body can benefit from liposuction: abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, chin, upper arm, cheek and neck. 
There are different used techniques for liposuction. Your surgeon will select the most appropriate one for your individual case.

How is liposuction performed?
Liposuction is generally performed in an outpatient surgical facility under a general anesthetic although an occasional small area may be suctioned under a local anesthetic with accompanying intravenous sedation. Small incisions are made in cosmetically convenient skin folds wherever available. The tumescent liposuction technique is now most widely used. 
liposuction diagram
            During the surgery, the doctor makes a small incision (or several small incisions) and inserts the cannula into the fat layers of the targeted areas.


Tumescent liposuction technique          

Developed in 1985, tumescent liposculpture relies on tumescent fluid to numb the fat as well as help liquefy it, which allows for removal through small cannulas. A micro-cannula is inserted through a tiny incision in an inconspicuous location, and unwanted fat is then removed by high-pressure vacuum.
The tumescent liposuction technique is used to minimize bruising, swelling, and post-operative pain. It utilizes large volumes of saline (physiologic salt solution) that contains dilute lidocaine (local anesthetic or "numbing" agent) in combination with epinephrine (adrenaline). Adrenaline temporarily constricts (closes) the small blood vessels in the fat in order to prevent bleeding. This also helps prevent post-operative bruising. In addition, dilute sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in the solution helps to minimize further the unpleasant stinging otherwise associated with the lidocaine and epinephrine.
After the tumescent is injected into the area designated to remove fat. A narrow metal tube that is connected to a plastic hose and then to an aspirator machine, called a cannula, is passed back and forth through the area of excess fat. When liposuction is performed, the cannula is passed through the fat to create "Swiss-cheese-like tunnels." The fat cells are removed from the body. In addition, the motion of the cannula damages the remaining fat and other fibrous cells. These remaining damaged cells may take weeks to be absorbed or repaired by the body, a fact that plagues even some experienced surgeons. Failure to take this second fact into account has resulted in many cases of "over-suctioning," which causes large dents or scarred-down portions in the patient's skin. It must be understood that only the layer of fat between the skin and the underlying muscle (the amount you can pinch before surgery) can be suctioned. 
Liposuction before / after
Example before / after

Liposculpture (Fat Transfer)

breast lift before and after photosIn fat transfer, also known as liposculpture, fat is taken from one area of your body, such as the thighs or stomach, and injected into another area to fill it out. The operation is undertaken to remove localized areas of fat. The adipose (fatty) tissue is the best material to add tissue volume (breast enlargement) or fill up deep wrinkles, with excellent long-lasting results and minimal risk for patients. 
Fat transfer can be used to enlarge your breast or on your face to improve the appearance of wrinkles, crow's feet, laughter lines, some types of scar, sunken cheeks and other indented areas of skin. It can also be used to fill out and rejuvenate the back of your hands.
Liposuction beforeLiposuction after
Photo: Fat Transfer Before & After
During fat transfer your specialist will identify a suitable donor site and make a small cut in the area. A tube is then placed into the incision site and fat is removed into a syringe. Fat cells are then inserted into the destination area to create the desired effect. When applied, the risk of allergy or transmission of infectious diseases is avoided. This fat transplant grows into the neighbouring tissue; in addition it contains a high amount of female hormones which leads to additional improvement in the quality of skin.
Liposculpture results tend to last longer than some temporary synthetic fillers, but it is not a permanent treatment and the fat will gradually be reabsorbed into the body over time. Only minor complications have been reported, like mild inflammation in the area of application or fat dissolution. No long-lasting adverse effects have been reported.
Liposculpture may be used in conjunction with other treatments such as laser resurfacing or chemical peels to treat severe facial wrinkles.

Type of Anaesthesia 
Liposuction may be performed under local anaesthesia, twilight sedation or general anaesthesia depending on a number of factors including number and size of the areas to be treated, other procedures that may be performed, and your preference.


Planning Your Surgery 
The best way to get an excellent result is to have a thorough evaluation with our surgical team pre-operatively. Liposuction may be used to treat many areas of the body and we will need to examine you and listen to your needs and concerns to design a procedure that will safely and realistically give you the best possible outcome.
In particular we will assess your overall body shape, your skin elasticity, your current medical status, lifestyle factors, and whether you are having other surgery.
Following this we can plan your procedure, explain the benefits, limitations and risks, discuss the type of anaesthesia you will require, and explain all the steps you need to take prior to surgery.

Preoperative Period (Before Your Surgery) 
LiposuctionAt the time of your consultation we will advise you regarding ceasing or adjusting current medications you may be taking, and if you require any pre-surgery lab testing or any further medical evaluation. 
For optimal results we strongly advise that you cease smoking for at least 15 days prior to your surgery, and avoid aspirin, aspirin-containing drugs, and anti-inflammatory drugs (we will discuss this further if necessary at the time of your assessment). 
In addition you must avoid some supplements such as vitamin C and E and any medications containing salicylic acid for 10 days before surgery, as these have all been implicated in increased bleeding or other adverse reactions around the time of surgery.
You will also receive special instructions at the time of booking your surgery regarding your admission time, fasting instructions, what to bring on the day and anything else particular to your procedure.
It is necessary to stop any oral intake(not even water) 6 hours before surgery for general anaesthesia.

Postoperative Period (After Your Surgery)
Depending on the amount of liposuction and the type of anaesthetic you have had, you may require a night or two in our hospital. Please note if you are going home on the day of surgery you will need someone to drive you home and look after you.
LiposuctionThe small incisions may be leaky and drain the fluid which was injected for several days; this is quite normal and may help with wound healing. During this period we recommend showering rather than bathing. 
Some swelling and bruising follow the procedure. A compression garment is indicated for 30 to 90 days, which will be an important part of the recovery process. A compression garment is tight-fitting, and holds the tissues together, while providing comfort and support as the tissues heal. The compression garment controls swelling by preventing fluid build up in the treatment area, and also helps the skin conform to the new contours of the body. The patient will likely be able to return to work in 3 days, and resume normal activity. Non-absorbable sutures are typically removed in 7 days. Sun exposure and sea or swimming pools bathing are liberated after 30 days. Even though fat is permanently removed from the treatment area during the procedure, it is important to realize that liposuction does not prevent additional weight gain. In order to maintain the results from your procedure, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Getting Back To Normal 
Many patients are up and about in a few days, and some people return to work quite quickly. This varies from patient to patient but most people find they are functional within a week or two.
If you have any unusual symptoms between visits -- for example, heavy bleeding or a sudden increase in pain -- or any questions about what you can and can't do, call the office. 
All Surgery Carries Uncertainty And Risks 
Like any plastic surgical procedure liposuction carries a risk. Although complications are rare, they may range from minor to major.

Drugs That Increase Bleeding 
LiposuctionDrugs That Increase Bleeding if taken by a patient soon before having liposuction, can cause liposuction complications such a hematoma (a large collection of blood trapped beneath the skin), excessive bleeding that might require hospitalization. Among the more common drugs that can interfere with normal clotting of blood are aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and warfarin (Coumadin). Even vitamin E, red wine, and some herbal remedies can cause prolonged bleeding.
Results vary among patients but the majority of patients are happy and enjoy the improved quality of life. This information is provided to acquaint you with the risks as well as the benefits associated with this procedure. Of course, it is not possible to advise you of every conceivable complication and other problems can occur which are unexpected. It should be noted that the complications associated with this procedure are frequently related to the amount of fat removed from the patient and the patient's age.

Your New Look 
zsirleszivasYou will see a noticeable difference in the shape of your body quite soon after surgery. However, improvement will become even more apparent after about six weeks, when most of the swelling has subsided. After three to six months, any persistent mild swelling usually disappears and the final contour will be visible. 
Many people find with their enhanced self-confidence and increased motivation that this becomes easier to do, and we recommend you do this both for an optimal surgical result, and for your long-term health.